Performance Optimisation: Aspect Software

Author: Aspect Software

Date: 2nd March 2012

If your operations are comparable to those of the typical multi-channel contact center, you’re currently spending 60 to 70 percent of your budget on personnel expenses. People represent your highest cost; however, as frontline representatives to your customers, these same people are your most valuable assets. Your competitiveness, revenue growth, profitability, and reputation are significantly impacted by your agents and their abilities to deliver consistent customer service in sync with your organization’s overall business objectives.

At the highest level, your company is focused on increasing sales and reducing costs. To map to these overall corporate goals, your contact center should be focused on maximizing effectiveness and enhancing performance. Top- and bottom-line improvements in customer service, sales and collections will lead your company to win new customers, intensify customer loyalty, and increase revenue.

Performance optimization can help you achieve all of these goals through the combination of three important contact center elements:

Workforce Management  

Actively managing technology in an effort to meet your service and overall contact center objectives at a minimum cost. Workforce management software can help you most effectively manage your workforce, enabling you to heighten scheduling efficiency; maximize agent productivity; lower operating costs, allowing you to maintain a healthy bottom line; and streamline tasks, empowering agents to contribute toward your organization’s overall customer objectives.

Quality Management  

Establishing quality performance targets which you can measure agent performance against. This allows supervisors to provide real-time feedback, suggestions for improvement or even recommend additional training. Productively managing the quality of your agents’ interactions with customers can enhance your agents’ effectiveness, improve your customer satisfaction ratings and result in increased revenue.

Performance Management

Reporting that combines contact center statistics with business data, focuses on the information most relevant to business goals, matches that information to specific tasks inside the contact center, and gives users the ability to analyze root causes and take corrective actions. By automating the reporting process, performance management enables the easy extraction of crucial interaction data necessary to secure customer relationships and identify opportunities for cost-cutting.

This white paper explains in detail the elements of performance optimization, and outlines how your contact center can use technology to increase agent efficiency and productivity, and positively impact your company’s bottom line.

Aspect Software

Read the full white paper

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