Advanced Quality Analysis: Aspect Software: BROCHURE

Author: Aspect Software

Date: 14th March 2012

Analytics-driven quality ensures that your customer-facing resources are focused on what matters to the customer and your company – driving bottom-line results through a better customer experience and minimising risk through procedural compliance.

With Advanced Quality Analysis, you can create intelligent analytics-driven quality programmes by integrating recording, quality, and performance management capabilities that identify, record and analyse the most appropriate interactions, enable precision quality monitoring practices, uncover reasons for performance shortfalls, initiate coaching and capture real-time customer feedback.

Get the Right Insight into Customer Needs and Staff Capabilities to Improve Operational Effectiveness

Advanced Quality Analysis allows you to capture interactions through voice and screen recordings, assess customer satisfaction with post-interaction surveys, and evaluate your resources’ capabilities and their adherence to procedures. The solution goes well beyond basic data capture with a powerful business rules engine that simplifies the task of identifying the reasons for repeat customer calls. Using specific call completion codes, your contact centre staff can implement precision monitoring and classify and evaluate recordings based on call resolution types. With this capability, recording can be graded to identify root causes and ultimately, to alter processes and behaviour that increase first call resolution.

Capabilities include:

Identify Performance Shortfalls – provide a complete, consolidated view of your contact centre’s operations, including both quality and performance metrics, and uncover best practices and opportunities for improvement as well as the drivers of effective interactions. Gain a fuller understanding of contact centre productivity, profitability and quality of service metrics, correlated with traditional, cost-based KPIs such as customer hold time or average handle time.

Target Interactions with Precision Monitoring – focus your quality management efforts on the interactions that matter by leveraging performance metrics, call resolution states, procedural compliance, customer satisfaction, survey results and other specific quality factors to segment your recordings. The ability to zero in on interactions using data, rather than relying on random sampling, helps you more easily identify best practices and more effectively address opportunities for improvement.

Perform Root Cause Analysis – generate a single, comprehensive management view of agent and contact centre performance. By linking data across sites and platforms, Advanced Quality AnalysisTM enhances root cause analysis with timely multidimensional performance data so you can quickly identify areas for improvement and take immediate action to effect change.

With the ability to tap into enterprise systems, you can link contact centre performance to business objectives and identify how customer interactions can be more effective at driving targeted outcomes, such as increased revenue and reduced customer churn.

Empower Agents through Analytics – make agents partners in continuous improvement by enabling them to flag the interactions they want to record and review, and providing opportunities for self-evaluation, co-evaluation with their supervisor and validation against calibrated results. This empowerment not only fosters agent buy-in for self-improvement, but also ensures quality is not just a top-down initiative.

Let Customer Feedback Inform Improvement

It’s important to make sure customer feedback is part of the quality process by using integrated survey capabilities to measure satisfaction with interactions. Leveraging your quality system to capture feedback helps ensure that interaction context is maintained,
and allows you to use the results to instantly inform KPIs within reports and dashboards as well as alerts and coaching workflows.

Cross-Functionally Align with Overall Business Goals – enable a structured process with which your company can manage and improve overall performance against specific key metrics. You can easily measure and track agent, team and contact centre performance against defined objectives to realise cross-functional alignment with corporate goals. The end result is resources and work activities that strongly support these goals and increase the likelihood of achieving strategic business success.

Aspect Speech Analytics - Advanced Quality Analysis capabilities can be extended with Aspect Speech Analytics*. This solution unlocks the voice of the customer, adding the ability to identify the
potential value and success of every call so you can further sharpen the focus of your improvement efforts.
* Available separately

Apect Software

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