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A 'Box' Full of Quality

Too many call centres simply don't do quality, never mind have a quality process to support their call handling.  Why does this happen?&nb… View

A K Erlang

Agner Krarup Erlang (1878-1929) View

A Suite of Metrics

Some call centres believe they can select metrics off different 'shelves' - company y decides on the following selection: Service L… View

White Papersview more…white papers rss

Answering Machine Detection: Aspect Software

This paper describes the Aspect Answer Machine Detection (AMD) operation of the Digital Communications Processor (DCP). Overview AMD accura… View

Assessing Call Centre Quality using the SERVQUAL Model

Investigative research into service quality in a call centre View

Back Office Process Management: Aspect Software

The Back-Office Staff Optimization Opportunity Contact centers and back-office departments are two of the most people-intensive functions in en… View

Case Studiesview more…case studies rss

Advanced Quality Analysis: Aspect Software: BROCHURE

Analytics-driven quality ensures that your customer-facing resources are focused on what matters to the customer and your company – driving b… View

British Gas Unified IP (UC): Aspect Software

The Company British Gas provides gas, electricity and home repair services to millions of customers in Scotland, Wales and England. Part of the… View

British Gas Workforce Optimisation (WFO): Aspect Software

The Company British Gas Services (BGS) is the largest domestic central heating and gas appliance installation company in the UK, directly emplo… View

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