Legislation - Stress (UK)

Author: CCa2z

Date: 8th October 2004

Work-related stress can cause ill health.  Therefore, action to prevent or reduce it is included in the duty of employers under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health of their employees at work.

The risk of ill health from work-related stress must also be assessed and regularly reviewed by employers under The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 in consultation with staff or their representatives.  'Tackling work-related stress.  A manager's guide to improving and maintaining employee health and well-being' provides advice about assessing and preventing work-related stress and lists other sources of advice.  This is complimented by 'Tackling work-related stress.  A guide for employees'.  Local Authority Circular 81/4 'Work-related Stress' provides advice to local authority enforcement officers and is available to the public.  Measures introduced to tackle work-related stress should be done in consultation with call handlers or their representatives.

To reduce or eliminate harassment and bullying so reduce the risk of these two forms of behaviour generating stress and leading to stress-related illnesses effective policies on bullying and harassment should be drawn up.  This should also be done in consultation with staff or their representatives.  (HSE)

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